關於我們的服務費: 根據ACA法律,我們幫助人們申請奧巴馬醫保(ACA稅收抵免)的服務是免費的。 如果您申請短期健康保險,我們的服務也是免費的。但是,保險公司可能需要20美元來批准您的申請並完成他們的保險文件工作。 此外,我們正在招聘員工: 查看詳情

保險事實申報 請填寫在線申請表(下面)
政府免費健保,ACA稅收抵免(奧巴馬健保),正常商業健保,我應該申請哪一項? 請點擊查看

- Input your data in each box below, one by one, and then click Submit Fact Find at bottom.
Don't hit Enter-key, use mouse/Tab-key move to next. Input can't be saved, must submit; or, you do it again.



    Health Insurance Fact Find 保險事實申報
- By submit this form, you choose Henry Hu as your exclusive agent to
buy health insurance
  and to apply for financial aid - ACA Tax Credit.

   Please fill your family data into the online table below. If applying financial aid, please provide your income data (see "Step by Step").
   請填寫事實: 為您和您家人的健康保險報價. 諾需申請財務資助, 下載"保險事實申報", 並參見申請步驟(點擊).

Note: If you do not have required documents listed below, we may help you to work out, because they are substitutable. Please call (503) 693-2423.
注意下面列出的所需文件並不是必須的,如果您沒有所需文件,我們可能會幫您解決問題。請致電: (503) 693-2423

Home address     ( 家庭住址,    Dirección de la casa )

Phone number      ( 電話號碼,    número de teléfono ) 

Email address     ( 電子郵件,    Email Dirección )  


Birthday (mm-dd-yyyy)


Gender (M/F)

US Citizen Greencard Others

Social Security Number

 Driver License #, State

Anyone smoking?













EE.UU. / tarjeta verde

Número de Seguro Social

licencia de conducir

Yes / No


   Please add your note into box below  請填寫你的註釋到下面的notebox框中:
   After finished, click Submit (at bottom) to send. We will email you a quote within 24 hours and maybe call you for the quote.

Family Income: If you apply for financial aid for health insurance, we need your family income data. Please fill in your family income Last Month (2020 or 2021) total $__________, and projected year 2021 total $__________. For data verification, we need copy of last month payroll pay-stubs, 2019 or 2020 W-2 and tax return Form1040 (first two pages).

家庭收入:  請填寫您的家庭上月 (2020 or 2021) 收入總額 ,估算2021年一年收入總額 . 為了查證數據, 我們需要複印您的家庭個月的所有工資支票存根, 去年(2019 or 2020) 所有W-2和家庭報稅表1040(第1, 2頁).

Additional requests (其他要求):

1.)      If someone is a college student, please provide costs of annual total tuition and fees (Form 1098-T); if someone pays back a student loan, also provide annual interest payment of the loan.


2.)      If your family has other incomes besides of wages and self-employed incomes, please list net profit for each of them with category name.

如果你的家庭,除了工資,有其他收入和自僱收入,請列出每個人的收入和名稱類別, 自僱收入的淨利潤與名稱.

3.)      If someone has a current health insurance, please make copy of the insurance card with carrier name, address, phone number, and policy number.


4.)      Please list each employer name, address, and phone number for each family member.

請列出每個家庭成員的每個雇主名稱,地址, 和電話號碼.

5.)      Please make copy of each greencard for both front and back sides.


6.)      If a US citizen who was not born in the US, please list the person name with the original greencard number and the certificate number of naturalization.



聯邦政府需要的文件清單: 1.)移民身份 2.) 家庭收入 3.)OHP需要的 低收入證明

Tips: Use your cell phone to take pictures of documents and email the pictures to us: hwu475@gmail.com. Also, for your data safety (not to send online), you may use your cell phone to take a 'screen shot', after filled in all your family data, and then email the picture to us.

溫馨提示:使用您的手機給所有文件拍照,並通過電子郵件將照片發送給我們: hwu475@gmail.com. 此外,為您的數據安全(不在網上發送), 在填充了您的所有家人的數據後, 可以用您的手機對著屏幕拍照, 然後將圖片通過電子郵件發送給我們。

Agreement: I am (print name 填寫您的姓名). I agree to provide my family personal data (birthday, SSN, income, etc.) for Henry Hu Agency to assist me to apply for benefits of health insurance. I know the data will be forwarded to US government and I agree to take full responsibility for the data I provided. Henry Hu Agency will keep the data confidential for applying insurance only and protect privacy of all applicants.

獲得確認號碼:為了確保我們收到您的申請(Fact Find), 提交您的申請後(點擊按鈕"Submit Fact Find"), 請撥打我們的手機 (503) 475-4705獲得我們的確認號碼。謝謝您的合作。